Witches of the Pinspecked Void
I haven't given up on this, but in hindsight, I bit off too much. The world I want to describe is too complex for my basic exposition skills, and it's really hard to make up a story on the fly, with multiple third person threads, and not have them unravel.
In 2022 I started a
new novel that avoids this problem by being first person. Some details from the old novel have been cannibalized to feed the new one.
Change log: September 2022: renamed chains to strings, renamed Aqua to Myrma. January 2022: Changed Grimlock, formerly Ladbroke, to Spoke. October 2021: Thanans have been renamed Shinbones. April 2021: reverted merchant dialogue in chapter 5. October 2020: changed book one headquote. September 2020: rewrote Brother Dreadmuppet scene in book 2 chapter 12. December 2019: full rewrite of chapter 1. December 2019: new cover image. November 2019: reverted to old title. November, 2018: new chapter between chapters 12 and 13 of book two, and a new section in 2-14. Nov 15: added headquote to 2-15. Late October: new title. Oct 19: chapter 1-6 polishing. Oct 9: rewrote arbspace in 1-6. Sept 2018, stretched and rewrote 1-5 and 1-6.
Book 1: Pinspecked Void
complete html
frame and chapters
[other filetypes, still the September 2017 version]
rtf dictionary
Book 2: Tripsie Glade
[I recommend not reading this. A lot of it has been or will be changed.]
frame and chapters
complete html